Friday, April 6, 2018
Stay Tuned!
Hey guys! Giving you a quick heads up that I have some really fun things in the works that will be ready to share with you over the next few months! YAY!
#1 Remember that book I've been writing? Guess what? It's finally done! WOO HOOOOO! It's a How-to Guide for People who want to Make a Difference. Is that you?! OH YEAH! Just putting on the final touches then it will be ready to go!
#2 I'm also going to be hosting a brand new podcast show that pairs with my book! So stay tuned!
#3 And I have some really fun ways we can connect together online and in person coming up! Y-E-S! We're talking : Retreats. Events. Classes and more!
If you want to be the first to know when all of this is happening make sure you're singed up for my Fun-Letter! You can do that by clicking here. Plus you'll get a free copy of 11 Zesty Ways to Badass Your Life!:)
Can't wait to re-connect again and start spreadin' some more LOVE together...I've missed you.
Big Hugs,