My blogosophy {hee. hee. Fun word huh?!}
Think of my site as an online hotspot for passion-fueled + purpose - driven, gutsy, badass leaders, creatives, underdogs, entrepreneurs + world ignitors who are on a mission to make an impact in their lives and in the lives of others. People who want to live a life without regret. They want their life to matter.
This is a place to inspire, create, connect and support one another. To share our stories and struggles and to celebrate and give high fives for our successes! To charge fears, chase dreams and make a difference in the world.
My Story. My Heart. Why I do what I do.
I've spent a good portion of my life runnin' around from cause to cause doing whatever I could to make a difference. To help. To advocate. To raise funds for. To spread the word. To cheer on. To laugh with. And to hold hands in hard times. What I've learned could never be taught in school...I had to live it. I wouldn't change a thing but as some of you might have guessed, over time I started to feel run down and exhausted. There was no light at the end of the tunnel. There were too many people and organizations that needed support and only one me. I felt so alone.
Don't get me wrong. I am surrounded by people that cheer me on or support my efforts but I've had very few people in my life that truly understand my heart's need to continue living this way. And not that they should, but that made my journey an even more interesting ride, to say the least. The best way for me to explain it is that when I hear about someone who needs help, or that is struggling or in danger I can't shake it or ignore it or let it go. They stay with me. I have to try to do something. It's not a choice for me. It's who I am. Maybe, you're like that too.
You see, the people that I relate to most have no idea who I am or are dead. Go ahead and giggle, but it's true. We're talking the big names, the world changers, activists, love leaders, peace makers, creators, artists, musicians, poets. I call them my imaginary friends. And they keep me going. I post their pictures on my wall, I dance to their music, their books are on my shelf and whether they know it or not they guide me. I remind myself that If they could do something so huge like fighting for human rights, speaking up for abused children or animals, sharing their stories and soul on stage or starting the civil right movment then I can keep going. I must.
So here I am years later and I finally realized and figured out that I don't have to keep moving forward all on my own. I can do things in a different way and have an even greater impact and that makes me fuckin' excited. And believe it or not, I've actually started to meet and connect with some of my imaginary friends. Stories to come. {smile} As cheesy as it might sound I keep proving to myself that anything is possible if I continue to follow my heart.
Now I help by coaching, consulting, connecting, inspiring, empowering, teaching, sharing, interviewing and collaborating with other people and organizations who "help people" then TOGETHER we can make an even bigger impact or difference in the world with out trying to do it all by myself. {whew!} And that is exactly what I'm here to do.
A long time ago I gave my mom and dad a gift, a plaque, with a quote written on it that says, "Because you believed in me, I believed in me." It's so simple and so true. My parents have most definiately not always understood my ways, the way I wore my hair, the boys I dated or the choices I made but they never stopped believing in me. And that is HUGE.
I know in my heart that we're not meant to feel alone. And that we ALL need someone to believe in us. If I could only tell you one thing, this would be it. You are not alone. I believe in you. You are worthy of love and I care. Who you are, what you believe in and stand for, matters.
I know that my purpose is to spread a little sunshine & share a lot more love in the world and I can't do it alone.
So buckle up! I DARE YOU. To laugh with me. To dream with me. To make a difference with me.
I dream big dreams. I love connecting with people, sharing stories & laughing so hard that no sound comes out of my mouth. I'm passionate about advocacy for foster children, rescue animals + creating community. I love to play charades, dance in the rain, hang in funky coffee shops and host hug-athons. Dreamer. Connector. Super giggler.
I heart disco balls, vintage trailers, thunderstorms, street musicians, road trips, slumber parties and twinkly lights. I secretly wish I could star on Broadway + ride across country on a motorcycle. Alive. Passion. Free.
I share from a place of happiness and love yet I'm far from perfect. My life is messy, crazy and beautiful all at the same time. Mistakes, life lessons, wake up call moments and hard times have kicked my ass but also continue to shape who I am. I've felt intense love and insanely alone. I am sensual. I am deep. I am real. There are so many times I want to walk away from my dreams and just quit or "be normal" because it's too fuckin' hard. I own + honor my experiences and work on letting go of the things I can't control. Student. Fighter. Teacher.
I remember hearing that what we really love to do and where we find the most joy has been with us all along. What do you think? The more I continue to look at myself, learn from my clients and friends, I find that this seems to be true. So let me ask you this, What did you love to do as a child? When did you feel happy?
For me, when I was a little girl I wanted to fly on the trapeze and join the circus. Those were my people. They were the bold, the brave, the talented and the crazy. Kinda like a family, a community. I also always wanted to learn everything I could about orangutans and hang out with them in the jungle. I'm so curious, How can we be so much alike, yet, we're so different...or are we? And can't I just bring one home? Connection. Adventure. Courage.
I wrote jingles for commercials and sang them with passion into my mom's tape recorder, so I could hear them over and over again. And as I grew older I would spend nights and sometimes even weekends making Saturday Night Live-ish improv videos with my best girlfriend, just for kicks. Creative. Silly. Performer.
I got my first camera when I was eight and I've been taking photos and recording memories ever since. In fact, I've been making bucket lists before they even had a name. Moments. Sacred. Shared.
What do you Love? What's your passion? {insert eyes lighting up + super big smiles} These are my two favorite questions to ask people I meet. I genuinely want to know what makes you so excited that you almost forget to breathe? I want to know your dreams and wishes for today, tomorrow, and your somedays.
P.S. I'm so happy you're here!
Training + Experience:
I have a BA in elementary education and I'm working on a PHD in livin' and lovin' boldly. From founding a nonprofit for foster youth, to being a college cheerleader, to presenting words of love and gratitude to Dame Anita Roddick on stage to 1,000 people - I've done lots (lots!) of different things. I've secured grants and raised funds for many causes and studied with Dr. Martha Beck - life coach to the Oprah Winfrey Show. I escaped the wrath of a baboon in Africa. I flew to Chicago to audition for Oprah's The Big Give Show and I've been on an episode of The Real World. Crazy, right?
I know how to get clear on what matters most and how to generate the guts to go after exactly what you want. My ultimate mission is to help people live unforgettable lives on and off line. I'm inspired to help people who are here to make a difference in the lives of others.
I've studied & trained with the most amazing, funny, brilliant women in the coaching world.
Dr. Martha Beck, best-selling author, columnist for O Magazine, life coach to the Oprah Winfrey Show.
Brooke Castillo, Author, Coach, Creator of The Life Coach School.
Susan Hyatt, O Magazine columnist & Martha Beck Master Certified Life Coach.
Marie Forleo + Danielle LaPorte - Rich, Happy & Hot - LIVE EVENT
Debbie Reber, Author, editor, speaker, coach, teen advocate & creative consultant
I'm also the founder and director of Remix Foster Youth program. Check out our pre-program vision here and this awesome video with the youth after.
P.S. I'm so happy you're here!
Training + Experience:
I have a BA in elementary education and I'm working on a PHD in livin' and lovin' boldly. From founding a nonprofit for foster youth, to being a college cheerleader, to presenting words of love and gratitude to Dame Anita Roddick on stage to 1,000 people - I've done lots (lots!) of different things. I've secured grants and raised funds for many causes and studied with Dr. Martha Beck - life coach to the Oprah Winfrey Show. I escaped the wrath of a baboon in Africa. I flew to Chicago to audition for Oprah's The Big Give Show and I've been on an episode of The Real World. Crazy, right?
I know how to get clear on what matters most and how to generate the guts to go after exactly what you want. My ultimate mission is to help people live unforgettable lives on and off line. I'm inspired to help people who are here to make a difference in the lives of others.
I've studied & trained with the most amazing, funny, brilliant women in the coaching world.
Dr. Martha Beck, best-selling author, columnist for O Magazine, life coach to the Oprah Winfrey Show.
Brooke Castillo, Author, Coach, Creator of The Life Coach School.
Susan Hyatt, O Magazine columnist & Martha Beck Master Certified Life Coach.
Marie Forleo + Danielle LaPorte - Rich, Happy & Hot - LIVE EVENT
Debbie Reber, Author, editor, speaker, coach, teen advocate & creative consultant
I'm also the founder and director of Remix Foster Youth program. Check out our pre-program vision here and this awesome video with the youth after.