Workshops + Retreats

{You're Invited!} RETREAT WITH ME!

Registration is NOW OPEN! WOO HOO!

I'm super excited to share with you my Kickoff in person Retreat that is happening this July in San Francisco! WOO HOO! Wanna play?!

You're invited to join me + 7 other Big-hearted, Big dreamin', Badass women in San Francisco for a LIVE in person a one-of-a-kind intimate weekend workshop retreat! (Say that 10 times fast! :))

I promise you I'm going all out with this event and with a kickoff price that makes it easy to say KALE YEAH sign me up!  

Find out all the juicy details + to register click here!
Smiles + Cartwheels, 


Make sure you're signed up for my FUN letter to find out when the latest workshops and retreats are ready to rock-n-roll!

October 23rd 2014
10:00 - 1:00
San Francisco

Clear your calendar - It's going down!

Tearin' it Up! (a) Workshop kicks off on Oct. 23rd and you're invited to take part in the festivities. My House (gia's) is our meeting spot for a day of fun and excitement.

I love to connect + create in many ways, but one of my favorites is with images and words. Yeah, that’s right—I'm a girl who loves to dive into a pile of magazines and start tearing them up.

Some call it vision boarding…I call it Passion + Play + Possibilities. 

I've been doing this sort of thing since I was a little girl and have learned so much about myself through this process. That’s why I want to share it with YOU.

That means: You're invited to join me + 5 other kickass women for a super fun vision board type workshop at my house! With a fresh + fun twist of course!

Think: Tasty Treats + Funky Tunes + Magazine Magic

Maybe you’ve heard of vision boards from the movie The Secret or maybe you've even made one before. Right on + no worries! Because no matter how many times you've done this, there's always something more to discover about yourself through the creation process. (Plus it's amazing what you'll find out by connecting with other incredible women at the same time.)

Want to come and play and get your creative juices flowing? (no artist skills required)
Want to find out what you're drawn to right now in your life?
Want to tap into your passions + loves? (Wonder what they even are anymore?) 
Want to hang with a bunch of fun women doing the same thing? 

Then say: Heck YEAH! Sign me up!

All you gotta do is click here  to RSVP to this invite to sign up! Jump on it while space is open! 
There's room for 6 and I'd love for you to have one of them!

Have a super awesome friend you want to come with you? Please share!
Have questions? I'm here to help. 

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