Do you have a project or program you want me to get involved with? Maybe you love to write, take photos or givegivegive. Maybe you wanna work with me, jam with me, hire me or produce my tv show. Regardless! Jump in my inbox and let’s see what we can do. Want to know more about who I am + what I do? You can check that out here.
Check out all the ways you can join in the fun! Let’s be badass together!
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I heart email. gia{at}
2. Hire me!
Coaching. Classes. Workshops. Speaking. Retreats. Road trips.
One-on-one or small group coaching + Start givin' and livin’ with my signature program Operation OMG!
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Group + Individual classes + Workshops available.
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My other Passion: Advocacy and support for kids living or aging out of the foster care system.