Friday, May 22, 2015

Is something missing?

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Most of the time when we say we're busy it's meant as a bad thing right? But really being busy isn't bad as long as we're busy with the right things. 

These past few weeks I've been BUSY which for me isn't the norm because honestly I'm a commitment freak. Let's just say I love my flexible lifestyle and I'm really protective of my time. And I've worked hard over years learning how to say yes, only to things I want to do and saying no, to the things I'm no longer excited about or just don't feel good anymore.

HOWEVER... I've felt for awhile that something is missing.
Do you ever feel like that? 

For me it centered around purpose. I've been wanting to DO more with my time and out in the world and one thing that I kept thinking about was how much I missed working with or advocating for foster youth.

So this year, for my birthday I decided that my gift to myself was to check out a volunteer organization called CASA that I've always wanted to volunteer for but wasn't sure I had the time.

I sat down, googled their website and found out that they were having an info meeting ironically 2 days later : LOVE THAT! And the next thing you know I was having an interview and begining the 42 hour training classes the following week.

For me, I just gotta say yes when things just seem to line up perfectly and I also knew that deep down I didn't want another 6 months to go by wishing I'd just jumped in.  

But I gotta be honest here. As excited as I was to add this into my life I was also kinda freaking out on the inside.

Maybe you can relate...

"Seriously an 18 month commitment are you crazy?!"
"Do I REALLY have the time? Who am I kidding?! What about xyz"
"And how the heck am I going to make the night trainings work around our family evenings and Tobin's lacrosse practice?" 

I could go on and on but you get the jist.

Can you guess what I had to do?
That's right. I had to do…ASK FOR HELP.

So I reached out to friends to coordinate rides for Tobin. I moved things around on my schedule to free up some pockets of time so I didn't feel overwhelmed. I made sure to keep my exercise time scheduled so I don't run myself down. And I talked with my family about why this is so important to me and what the commitment looks like so we were all on the same page and we can work it out together.

And you know what?
It's happening.

And you know why? 
Because I wanted to do this.
And I decided to make it work.
It's that simple.

Check this cartoon out…so true right?! :)

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I also knew that I actually had to say YES and COMMIT then trust myself to figure it out.

And you know what else? 

I'm not only busier but I'm happier! I'm so excited that I'm doing this kind of work again and that I have the opportunity to make a difference in the life of a foster child.

Plus I'm more productive and focused on other things in my life because I have to be. AND I'm actually getting more done, learning a ton and meeting some other amazing, big-hearted people in my class! SUPER BONUS!

So now…I'd love to hear from you. 

Let's imagine for a second that we're hanging out right now. Just you and me.

Talk to me... 
What have you always thought about or talked about wanting to do?
When was the last time you looked into it or tried to make it happen? Has it been awhile?
What does the hustle and bustle in your life look like?
Are you busy with the right things? Or are there some things you need to change so you can free up your time for the stuff you really wanna do?

Think about it and get back to me…
Need help figuring it out? That's what I'm here for.

Alrighty then! It's go time!
Gotta get my homework done! WOO HOO!
Never thought I'd be excited about that! :)

Big Hugs + Go DO IT vibes, 
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