Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday Feel Good: Vol.1

Welcome to Friday Feel Good!

First of all thank you so much to everyone who replied to my questions a few days ago about what's missing in your lives and what you crave more of. Ironically many of you mentioned that you're tired of hearing, watching, seeing negativity in your lives. So lets do something about it...what do you say?!

Introducing a new series called, Friday Feel Good where I'll be sharing warm fuzzy stories + messages + inspiration on Friday's because it's never a bad thing to be reminded that we're all connected + that there's lots of love around us.

So lets kick off this weekend I wanted to share a happy little story from my week…about how one man made a difference in my day and hopefully he will inspire yours as well.

photo via

I road the bus this morning and a man got on with obvious "mental disability/handicap" (for lack of a better word) And the first thing he did was High 5 the bus driver…not something that bus drivers usually welcome here in San Francisco in the a.m. : HA! But guess what? He High 5'd him back! Really how could you he not..he was so genuinely happy!

Then as he slowly made his way down the isle he looked at each person he passed in the eye and smiled. Everyone smiled back. It was so amazing to watch… his energy was infectious.

He eventually made his way to the window and held on as the bus pulled out into the traffic. And guess what, his smiles didn't stop there. Nope. As he looked out the window he giggled and waved excitedly to anybody + everybody outside who might look his way. What a cool way to be in the world. 

Disability? Or Advantage? Hmmmm... 
Makes one re:think the words we sometimes use to label people.

I don't' even know his name.
And I'll probably never seen him again.
But I do know that he made my day.
And maybe now he's making yours.

And he reminded me to keep smiling and waving with all my heart... even if no one waves back. Just because it's what I want to do or how I want to be.

Thank you happy stranger.
Smile + Wave.
So Simple.

Let's pass it on - You with me?

Waving + Smiling at you from SF,
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